Explore evidence-based practices for managing withdrawal symptoms and detox near Pittsburgh, PA, at Gateway Rehab.

Gateway is an essential business and plans to continue treating addiction throughout the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Unprecedented changes—both in number and magnitude—have left many people feeling helpless, nervous, uncertain or anxious in the wake of the pandemic. Addictions are expected to rise in the United States as people turn to substances like drugs and alcohol to cope with job loss, social distancing, isolation, crisis schooling and financial concerns.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction during this time, the skilled team of specialists at Gateway Rehab can help. Call 724-218-3896 to get the help you need and find healthier, safer ways to cope in our new reality.

Effective Evidence-Based Practices to Manage Symptoms of Withdrawal (Detox)

When you take steps toward a path of recovery, you may have concerns, questions or anxiety—particularly about what happens when you stop using drugs or alcohol. Though the process of recovery may seem overwhelming, take comfort in knowing millions of Americans have walked along the path that lies before you and are now in active recovery. They did it, and so can you. There is always hope—and with Gateway Rehab, you don’t have to do it alone.

Evidence-based practices to help manage symptoms of withdrawal (detox)

Our skilled team of specialists offers effective evidence-based drug detox programs and treatment protocols in a safe environment to help rid your body of harmful substances and manage your symptoms every of withdrawal.

There are different treatment programs depending on the type of addiction, including:

  • Short-term inpatient care
    After an initial assessment, your clinical care team may recommend short-term inpatient care, which may include 4-5 days of withdrawal management, 28 days of acute management or 90 days of long-term rehabilitation that includes life skills and transition planning.
  • Long-term outpatient care
    Long-term outpatient care is recommended after your initial assessment, or, following your short-term inpatient care, your clinical care team will create an individualized treatment program to support your continued recovery success.
  • Extended Recovery Support
    As part of our extended care program, we also offer specialized support programs. Recovery Support Specialist link with patients entering the program for up a full year after admission to treatment. They assist with important recovery issues such as housing, transportation, employment, meeting attendance and other medical, psychological and social services. We want to help you stay the course—and these programs will help you achieve success one day at a time.

If you or a loved one would like to learn more about our recovery programs or have questions about possible symptoms of withdrawal (detox), please call Gateway Rehab at 724-218-3896. We offer life-changing support and safe, effective recovery services to anyone who needs our help.