Hope Has a Home Here Our Mission, Vision & Promise OUR MISSION To help all those affected by addictive diseases to be healthy in body, mind & spirit. OUR VISION Eliminate barriers to recovery from addiction and sustained wellness. OUR PROMISE Our community drives our cause. GRC is committed to responding to the needs of our region. OUR CORE VALUES Every individual is a being of worth, deserving of treatment and respectful service. Addiction is a primary, chronic disease that involves healing of all dimensions of a person. Recovery from addiction is not one-size-fits-all; success in all forms should be celebrated. Every individual has the capacity for personal growth, responsibility, self-determination, and self-renewal. Positive outcomes for others rest on our commitment, integrity, and compassion. Ethical standards of conduct should never be compromised. Our impact is elevated by strong community collaborations. Embracing our organizational culture means a shared responsibility to continuously improve it. Get Help Now Hope Has a Home Here Gateway Rehab supports you every step of the way. Get Help Now(412) 604-8900