As a parent, recognizing the signs of substance misuse in your teenager can be challenging but crucial for their well-being. Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that can manifest in various ways, often hiding in plain sight.

Gateway Rehab, the largest drug rehab and addiction recovery network in the greater Pittsburgh region, has been dedicated to helping patients recover since 1972. We understand the importance of early intervention and support in overcoming addiction. If you suspect your teen may be facing these challenges, schedule an appointment with us.

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In this article, we will outline 10 key signs that may indicate your teen is struggling with drug or alcohol use, offering guidance on what to look for and how to take action.

Why Teens Turn to Substance Abuse

Before diving into the signs, it's essential to understand why teens may turn to substance use in the first place. Some common reasons include:

  • Peer pressure: Adolescence is a vulnerable time when fitting in and feeling accepted by peers can be a top priority for many teenagers. Unfortunately, this often leads to participating in risky behaviors such as drug use.
  • Mental illness: Many adolescents struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma. Turning to substances may provide temporary relief from these challenges.
  • Curiosity: The teenage brain is still developing and is highly susceptible to impulsive behavior and risk-taking. This natural curiosity can lead to experimenting with drugs or alcohol.
  • Family history: Genetics play a significant role in addiction, and if there is a history of substance use disorder in the family, teens may be more likely to develop substance use disorder themselves.

It's crucial to recognize that teen drug use is a disease and not simply a result of poor choices or moral failings. Understanding the underlying reasons for teen drug abuse can help you approach the situation with empathy and compassion.

10 Signs Your Teen May Be Struggling With Addiction

1. Changes in Behavior

Drastic shifts in mood and attitude can be one of the most noticeable signs of drug or alcohol use. If your teen suddenly becomes more aggressive or defensive, it may indicate underlying issues with substance use. 

Additionally, a loss of interest in activities they previously enjoyed can be a significant red flag. Pay attention to any unusual changes in their behavior, as these can be early indicators of a deeper problem.

2. Deteriorating Physical Appearance

Drug or alcohol use can take a toll on the body, leading to physical changes such as weight loss or gain, bloodshot eyes, and poor hygiene. If your teen's appearance has significantly deteriorated without any apparent reason, it may be time to investigate further.

3. Poor Academic Performance

Addiction can also have a significant impact on academic performance. If your teen suddenly starts struggling in school, skipping classes, or neglecting homework and projects, it could be a sign of underlying substance use issues.

4. Changes in Friend Groups

Teens often base their social lives on common interests, and this can include substance use. If your teen suddenly starts hanging out with a new group of friends who engage in risky behavior, it may be cause for concern.

5. Secretiveness and Lying

As substance use disorder takes hold, teens may become more secretive and dishonest to cover up their substance use. They may also isolate themselves from family and loved ones, avoiding honest conversations or becoming defensive when confronted about their behavior.

6. Financial Issues

Substance misuse is an expensive habit that can quickly drain a teenager's savings or income. If your teen is continually asking for money without a valid explanation, it could be a sign of an underlying substance use issue. 

7. Neglecting Responsibilities

Addiction can cause a teenager to neglect their responsibilities, including chores, family obligations, and personal hygiene. If your teen is consistently missing appointments or failing to fulfill their duties, it may be time to address the root of the issue. 

8. Changes in Eating and Sleeping Habits

Substance use can disrupt normal eating and sleeping patterns, leading to irregular or excessive consumption of food and a lack of sleep. If your teen's eating and sleeping habits have significantly changed without an apparent reason, it could be a sign of addiction. 

9. Physical Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms, such as shaking, sweating, nausea, and headaches, can occur when a person with substance use disorder attempts to stop using drugs or alcohol. If your teen experiences these symptoms and displays a heightened need for the substance, it could indicate substance use disorder.

10. Increased Risk-Taking Behavior

Substance use can lead teens to engage in risky behaviors such as driving under the influence, theft, or promiscuity. These actions may be out of character for your teen and should not be ignored.

If you notice any combination of these signs in your teenager's behavior, it is essential to address the issue and seek professional help.

How Gateway Rehab Can Help

At Gateway Rehab, we offer services to help teens overcome substance use disorder and reclaim their lives. Our dedicated team provides personalized care tailored to each patient's needs. Through ourservices, we address the root causes of addiction and equip teens with tools for long-term recovery.

  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Each teen entering our program receives an individualized treatment plan that includes a combination of therapies and interventions. These plans are developed based on thorough assessments by our experienced medical and therapeutic staff.
  • Adolescent Programs: Our specializedadolescent programs focus on the unique challenges faced by teenagers dealing with addiction. We incorporate evidence-based practices, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), group counseling, and family therapy, to provide comprehensive support.
  • Family Involvement: We understand the critical role that family plays in the recovery process. Our programs involve family members in therapy sessions and offer education and support to help them understand addiction and learn how to support their loved ones effectively. 
  • Aftercare Support: Recovery is an ongoing process, and our support does not end when treatment does. We provide aftercare services to help teens maintain their sobriety and navigate life after rehab successfully.

Help Your Teen Overcome Addiction with Gateway

If you suspect your teen may be struggling with alcohol and drug misuse, it is crucial to address the issue promptly. By recognizing the signs and seeking professional help, you can support your teen in overcoming addiction and leading a healthy, fulfilling life. At Gateway Rehab, we are dedicated to providing compassionate care and comprehensive treatment for teens facing substance use.

Don't wait for things to escalate.Schedule an appointment with us today to  start your teen's recovery. Call 1-800-472-1177 or visit our website to learn more about  our program. Let us help your teen reclaim their life from addiction.

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