Learn about new addiction recovery initiatives at Gateway Rehab in Mt Pleasant, PA.

TELEHEALTH: Removing treatment barriers

The past year and a half has brought on a wide variety of challenges, particularly in figuring out how to continue to provide quality care while keeping patients safe.

Our team worked quickly, efficiently, and rose to the challenge to implement telehealth and ensure privacy, safety, and quality addiction treatment was still at the heart of our care.

'The flexibility and convenience that telehealth service delivery offers our patients allowed us to reach more patients for evaluations. We also saw a decrease in the number of no-shows for scheduled evaluations. Regarding the Center of Excellence, it allowed Certified Recovery Specialists to remain engaged with patients for longer periods of time.' -Amanda Dodd, Director of Evaluation Services

While telehealth emerged out of necessity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has now become a permanent way to provide treatment in a way we never could before. Many individuals struggle to make it to treatment due to location, transportation, schedule, childcare, and other barriers. Telehealth, depending on the individual's personal treatment needs, is a way to remove these barriers without sacrificing the quality of treatment.

In-person evaluations, as well as group and individual sessions, are now available again at all of our outpatient locations. Telehealth also continues to be offered as an alternative to in-person treatment.

A new partnership to expand our treatment options.

Another major step forward for Gateway Rehab this year has been the introduction of our Methadone Maintenance program in partnership with Pinnacle Treatment Center of Aliquippa over 3 months ago.

Patients at our inpatient facility in Center Township can now continue their methadone treatment with Gateway! Before admission, our patients make the decision to continue their methadone treatment. If choosing to continue, our nursing, therapy, and transportation teams work together with the referring source before the patient arrives to ensure there will not be a lapse in doses. While in treatment, those same Gateway Rehab teams will partner with Pinnacle’s team to follow through on medication maintenance.

We are excited to have Pinnacle as a strong community partner to help us be able to expand treatment access and offer this service to our patients.

Help us continue to bring recovery to life

Gateway Rehab provides care to thousands of patients annually, from all walks of life, in order to renew their sense of self, and find their way back from drug and alcohol addiction. As the region’s largest nonprofit recovery network, we offer evidence-based treatment including 12-step

facilitation. Our programs are personalized to fit the unique needs of each individual and family seeking help. With nearly 50 years of service to our community, Abe’s Place, our oldest and largest facility, is currently in need of significant renovations. Our priority always is to be serving our patients with the best quality care, in a facility that fosters healing and recovery, and with the utmost dignity.

“Our goal is to provide an environment that matches the quality of our clinical, lifesaving services.” -Tracy Plevel, VP of Development & Community Relations

Capital Campaign Update:
As of June 2021

Completed Capital Improvements

Total Raised$930,287
Completed Projects to Date$922,622
Men’s Courtyard
Women’s Courtyard
Kitchen Upgrade
Cafeteria & Family Program Space
Common Area: Ground Floor
Common Area: Group Therapy Rooms
Gift Shop
Patient Wings, Rooms, Facilities
Still Available$7,665
Remaining Fundraising Goal$638,335
Refresh Paint
Replace heating/AC units
Replace windows
Outdoor Sports Court
Parking Lot
Exterior & Interior Sign Upgrades
Digital-Comm Equipment

If you would like to learn more about Gateway Rehab’s Capital Campaign efforts, or how you can be involved, please contact Tracy Plevel at: 412-604-8900, ext. 1331 or tracy.plevel@gatewayrehab.org.

The past 12 months have been full of exciting changes and improvements. We are honored to build on the legacy left by Dr. Abraham Twerki, and so many other influential leaders in the field of addiction treatment.