Read GayleIf you have ever been at Gateway’s main campus in Center Twp., chances are you know Gayle! Gayle is our Continuing Care Counselor, and helps just about every patient that walks in our doors.

Gayle’s journey, however, did not start with her position now, but as a patient.

Gayle came to Gateway over 30 years ago. Her drinking had gotten out of hand, so her mom and brother packed up her things and took her to Gateway.

“When I got there I was in shock, but the lady in admissions was so kind to me.”

During her 30-day stay, it was discovered Gayle was also bulimic. Dr. Twerski and Dr. Capretto assessed her, and referred her to St. Francis’ eating disorder unit. After completing treatment there for 8 weeks, she lived in a halfway house in New Castle for 6 months.

Gayle’s life was forever changed.

“Gateway saved my life. It was not just the building, it was the people.”

Although Gayle found herself in a much better place mentally, emotionally, and physically, life was not easy. Building trust back with her friends and family took time. She still had a lot of wounds from her life before recovery. She found herself an apartment in Ambridge, but was without a car, money, and a lot of other necessities as she worked to put her life back together.

For an entire year, Gayle took the bus each morning from Ambridge to Gateway and volunteered. Gayle describes volunteering at Gateway as an experience through which she gained respect for herself and others.

After a year of volunteering each and every day, Gayle was approached by HR and asked if she would like a job in medical records. Gayle took the job immediately, and has been at Gateway ever since.

“This has been the most rewarding thing I have been a part of.”

Gayle has treasured her time here at Gateway, and is not close to being done.

“I will be 73 {this week}, but I am not done yet. I still have work to do.”

Gayle currently works 6 days a week helping every single one of our patients. Every patient and staff member has been affected by the hard work, positive attitude, and loving spirit Gayle brings to Gateway.

“I always believe in a kind word and a hug. I want them to leave knowing they will not be forgotten.”

She really does not forget the patients she meets. Her genuine compassion changes lives.

“Every patient here has a piece of me. I am an advocate for every patient that walks through our door.”

Gayle has devoted her life to serving the patients here at Gateway daily. What started as her own struggle, she has turned into a gift to hundreds of others in their time of need.

Gayle is so grateful to Gateway. She truly loves the mission, patients, and fellow staff. Gateway is also grateful to Gayle, and her years of dedication on not only our patients, but on our impact.

Thank you for being part of our team, and keep up the amazing work!